Contact Us
We’re here for any of your questions, thoughts or dialogue.
We’re easy to find and usually respond in a timely and respectful manner.
For customer service and support, please send an email to:
One of our representatives will get back to you within 24 hours of the next business.
Please check out our FAQ’s page for any common questions you may have.
Text message: (236) 380-4514
*If you have not received a text message response within 24 hours, that usually means that the text our was message was “undeliverable” to your number for unknown reasons. Please follow up with your message to one of our email options above and we will try to get back to you in a timely manner.
Instagram: microdose_nature | microdose.nature
Do Not Ship anything to this address.
105 | 20058 Industrial Avenue | Langley, BC | V3A4K7 | Canada
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